Monday, August 13, 2007

Media Circus !!!

The Indian news media,both print as well as the TV news channels keep patting themselves for presenting the reality and holding a mirror to the society.May be its about time that somebody holds a mirror to the media.
The media has become self indulgent,metro-centric and sensation seeking.News gathering and reporting of facts have become mere externalities.Media is supposed to be a watchdog of democracy,but with the rare exception of a few newspapers like The Hindu and channels like NDTV and DD,the rest are showing anything and everything to gain TRPs.
The mayhem caused by Blueline buses in Delhi got so much publicity that even people who have never been to Delhi have become aware of their 'killer instincts' but the killing in Assam that has resulted in the loss of twenty odd lives officially is a footnote in TOI for example and not breaking news for our news channels who are more interested in covering or uncovering sex scandals,celebrities kissing one another,making family matters prime time news etc. Are these lives cheaper than lives of those living in a metro.This media bias is to a very large extent responsible for the feeling of alienation among Indians living in remote places.
Well,the media has a ready excuse for all this sleaze and very less sense in its reporting ,they claim that we dish out what the public wants.This argument sounds plausible but is akin to supplying opium to the masses and when they develop a taste for it justifying its continuation.The viewers have the ultimate control over what they want to watch but surely there must be some self regulation on the media channels otherwise the race to new lows in journalism will continue unabated.


Reeta Skeeter said...

:) Well written once again! Truly agree!

roundisround said...

I feel its the hight of irresponsibleness in the part of media,and its not a new story this trend is now carried for years, and is to continue.If you feel for this like i too do please suggest what best can be done to stop this nuisence created by indian news channels to gain cheap popularity.Or can we be just elite spectators?

chandra sekhar mandal